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Hannah Cole Prints on Canvas

Hannah Cole Prints on Canvas: British Seascape artist Hannah Cole is best-known for her quirky paintings of Cornish fishing villages and windswept beaches, often featuring a characterful dog in the foreground. Hannah Cole's most popular prints on canvas include 'Still Waiting' with a small dog waiting to play with a ball and 'Harbour Walls' of a fishing boat coming into land it's catch.


Our hand-crafted prints on canvas make a great alternative to a more traditional framed art print. Because canvases do not require a frame they work well in any interior in either a home or workplace, and the focus remains on the image rather than the way it is framed. Stretched and ready-to-hang, our high quality canvases are stretched over a 4.5cm deep robust ash wood stretcher giving them added depth. Our canvases are available in a wide variety of sizes to ensure that you find the ideal canvas for your wall. Larger canvas are ideal for making a real impact in a room, and smaller canvases can be displayed individually or look particularly striking in groups.

Prints on Canvas are produced quickly and delivered by courier in specially designed packaging to ensure that they reach you safely, ready to enjoy. Our collection is constantly evolving, so visit the site again soon or join our mailing list to see new additions to our range.

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